Exploration of Curved Display: Concept and Origin

In contemporary technology of display, curved display is gradually becoming a popular choice for electronic devices. This article aims to offer you a foundational grasp of the core concept and technical inception of curved displays.

Exploration of Curved Display: Concept and Origin

What is Curved Display?
A curved display is a type of display that uses flexible technology, mainly implemented through OLED panels. Distinct from conventional flat displays, this display incorporates a deliberate curvature, commonly used in devices such as smartphones and monitors.

What’s the origin of Curved Display Technology?
The origin of curved display can be traced back to significant innovations in the smartphone. Samsung pioneered this shift in 2013 with the introduction of the world’s first curved display smartphone, the Galaxy Round, marking the commercialization of the technology. In 2014, Samsung’s release of the Galaxy Note Edge reinforced the standing of curved displays, providing new ideas for the display design of subsequent smart devices.

Stay tuned for the next article from Kieslect, where the development history and advantages of curved display will be uncovered. Don’t miss out!

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