The Shocking Reality Behind Kieslect New Products

In recent years, Kieslect has gradually made its mark in the smartwatch market. However, Kieslect did not release any new products over the past year, raising questions among many users and agents. To address this, we interviewed the head of Kieslect’s marketing department, who provided in-depth answers about Kieslect’s current development status, changes in market strategy, and future directions.

Q: We’ve noticed that Kieslect hasn’t released new products for a year, so is Kieslect preparing for a shutdown?

A: Of course not! Kieslect continues to make steady progress, and the year we spent is due to significant improvements made to our products. For example, this is the first time we have introduced the GPS feature. To ensure the stability of the GPS function, our engineers spent a considerable amount of time testing chips and GPS performance. Before the release of Actor and Ks3, individuals wore the watches daily while running, cycling, and swimming to continuously improve the monitoring capabilities of watches; to enhance the users’ interaction experience, the UI interface underwent hundreds of modifications. In 2024, Kieslect launched its flagship Actor series and the third generation of the K series, bringing an undeniable impact to the market. Many consumers who encountered these products for the first time even mistook them for those made by wearable giants like Huawei and Samsung. Doesn’t this prove that Kieslect’s year was well spent and is steadily establishing itself in the high-end market?

Q: The promotion style of this year’s launch is significantly different from the past. Has there been a change in the marketing department?

A: Yes, you’re right, the marketing department of Kieslect has undergone a reorganization. The focus of our promotions has shifted from the previous brand positioning to product features and user experience. In the past, we aimed more to promote the high-tech image of our brand to the public, but now we place greater emphasis on showcasing the actual performance of our products and documenting the real experiences of users. Kieslect firmly believes in the fairness of the market and the discernment of consumers. Therefore, Kieslect aims to tell the truth, and win the public’s trust through practical actions.

Q: In your opinion, Kieslect has made what change in terms of marketing and promotion?

A: In the past, we primarily shaped our brand image by showcasing high-tech terminology, such as promoting technology like GPUs. Although it seemed “impressive,” it created a distance from the everyday needs of ordinary consumers. Now, we prefer to focus on users’ experience, emphasizing how our products help users in practical scenarios, thereby closing the gap between the brand and its users.


News source: The Shocking Reality Behind Kieslect New Products – Pokde.Net

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